Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who Needs Two Kidneys Anyway

The Kidney study to check for urine reflux into Olivia's good kidney was done this Morning. From the sounds of it, the Nephrologists seem to be into some strange form of S&M. After placing a urinary catheter, they strapped her to a contraption akin to a Medieval Rack. I feel terrible I wasn't able to provide moral support to Sara and Olivia during this torture escapade. Her head, torso, arms and legs were strapped down with Velcro ties, while they forced a dye up into her bladder to see if it would reflux back to the kidneys (a no no). All the while Olivia is flexing her vocal range and squeezing Sara's fingers :(

Good news is that on first blush there is no reflux from her bladder into her good kidney. There was reflux into the bad kidney one time, which most likely explains what happened in Utero to shut the kidney down. The Nephrologist wanted to review the films more closely, but felt good about the results.

Olivia also had another abdominal ultrasound performed this morning (before being strapped to the rack), no news yet on the results, but the GI team doesn't expect anything different from the initial results.


  1. The news sounds good. You cannot be two places at one time, although I know you wish to be. Sara and Olivia know your heart is there with them along with your support. Still sending prayers and love to lil Peanut.

  2. Glad to know that she is making steady progress. What a little tiger! Prayers continue for her and for you and your wife and mother-in-law. It really does take a village to raise a child:)

  3. not only is olivia a total champ--so are u guys! geez!!! all the details to keep track of... altho' it also becomes something that keeps u going...markers thru time & space...modern medicine is such a strange & fascinating lens...so much hope in the possibilities, but all those needles, pokers, tubes to get the information, do all the probing-- terrifying.

  4. Poor Sara - it must have ripped her heart out to feel her baby squeezing her fingers. I know it must kill you too, not to be able to be there. It will all be over before you know it and she'll be home, keeping you awake with 2 am feedings and diaper changes. :-) Keeping all of you in my prayers and thoughts!

  5. Sorry to hear about the torture episode. Hope Olivia and Sara don't have to do that again. Phew! I have a hard time restraining my Shayla for a blood test from her finger, so I can just imagine how Sara must have felt.
    I hope all the test results come back with good results.

