Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here's to a Quiet Night

Well so far so good. Continuing to wean drugs down. She's now been off the Vasopressin for 30 minutes and has recovered nicely. Every change in meds has been met with her little body picking up the slack. 

No other changes planned for the night. 

Just letting her body sleep and heal.

Good night my sweet, see you tomorrow.


  1. She's a tough little girl. :-) You better start getting ready now - as she grows, she will keep you both on your toes!! :-) Glad to hear she is holding her own and doing well. :-)

  2. Great news to hear this am keep it up glad you two got some sleep gotta stay strong for lil Olivia. God bless all of you and all the support and love the hospital is doing. Thank you for the early post makes my day too.
    We all pray that you will be coming back home soon.
