Sunday, March 15, 2009

Closing Her Chest

Moring rounds went well. The whole team was happy with her progress, so they decided they will try to close her chest this morning. 

This procedure is done right on the ward, it's set up to be a sterile surgery room if necessary. The closing shouldn't take more than 1 hour.  We'll probably have to wait 2+ hrs to see her again, because they were going to close another chest right after Olivia's closure.

Olivia's Kidney values are also pretty good, her Creat has crept up to 1.0 from 0.9 yesterday (normal = 0.5). The Renal team suspects she will creep up a little more before she comes down, because of her arrest episodoe the other night. Overall they seemed comfortable with her kidney function and think things should recover to baseline as long as no new insults occur.


  1. Great! Great! Great!

    Harriett and Tony

  2. Hot Diggity!!!!! Running around in circles like a puppy!!!!!!! =) YIPPEEE!!!!

    BIG SMILES!!!!!!

  3. Wonderful news. I am so happy for this this a.m. Thank you.

  4. That is such wonderful news! What a story she will have to tell when she is older. :-)

  5. Super congratulations to everyone. And everyone keep up the great work..:)

  6. Fantastic! I've been thinking & praying for you guys, checking your blog daily. It sounds like she is progressing very well. I'm also thankful that you're getting some rest too-- it's so important to take care of yourself also. I'm so grateful that you're at our hospital-- I have the utmost confidence in the care you're receiving.
    Hang in there.
    Melissa (Teresa's daughter)
