Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Long Distance Update

I miss my babies :)

I talked to Sara this morning and everything is going very well. Olivia is now on ad lib feeding. As long as she is meeting her minimum amount set by the Dr. they will not have to tube feed her.  Right now the plan is to keep in in the PCTU one more night and then on to the general ward. The Drs feel comfortable enough to send her to the general floor today, if they need bedspace tonight.

Here's one more picture: Back in Mother's Arms 


  1. So glad to hear this good news !

  2. Wow, holding her now has got to be the best feeling in the world!

  3. YEAH !!!! Keep up the good work Olivia!!!!!

  4. How exciting! I bet Sara is in heaven holding her little one again.
