Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rummor has it.....

Rumor has it that our little Diva gets to fly to coop today.  I'll believe it when I se it.

None too soon either, I think one more day of nurses poking her repeatedly through the night might have resulted in someone needing a real get out of jail free card. Why was it every time we'd get her settled down and sleeping that it is all of a sudden time to "Check her Vitals" again......


  1. That's amazing news! We will all be waiting for news of her escape!

  2. I cannot believe your humor with this blog. You come up with the cutest ideas ! Such wonderful news to hear this a.m. I hope it is not just a rumor. Should we start looking around for that minature litter scoop?

  3. You are so positive Ben, an inspiration to us all. Good girl Olivia. xx

  4. congratulations, and awesome news.

    Hopefully I will get around to posting some pictures of Kaya.
