Monday, March 16, 2009

Training for the Marathon

Overnight Olivia did very well. They replaced one of her IV lines in her groin - they went from a double lumen catheter to a triple lumen catheter so they could start her on IV nutrition. She was slightly sedated for the procedure, no adverse effects when it was done, bonus that she was then getting IV food.

She also did one more Sprint training off the respirator for an hour and did very well. While she is still on the ventilator, most breaths she is initiating on her own. The vent is set to 16 BPM (Breaths per Minute), but she's breathing at 28 on her own. She gets one or two more sprint training episodes later today before they pull her tube and let her run her own marathon.

She is now off all meds to keep her BP up, she is still on the vasodilator for her peripheral circulation. Not sure if this is something she'll be on long term or not. She has also been off all her diuretics since yesterday evening and is about even for fluid in & fluid out, which is right where she should be.

Hopefully the steady progress continues and we don't get any steps back.

Here's to another good day!!!


  1. Thank you for continuously keeping us posted on Olivia. We've checked the blog about a zillion times but haven't commented until now. You have all been in our prayers, and we are so thankful for Olivia's progress and healing. Take care and God bless.

  2. Great update! I check this blog constantly too. :-)

  3. Definitely good news ... Life will soon be returning to normal ... or at least as normal as life can get with a baby in the house. Back to changing diapers and stain remover on shoulders of shirts and blouses :-) I was going to say sleepless nights ... but you've had more than your fair share of those already!

    I can imagine that for you, a baby's cries will take on a vastly different meaning than for most parents. They will seem like a gift that reinforces your knowledge that she survived this ordeal!

  4. This is all such great news! You have done such an excellent job of informing everyone.
    Here is to a lifetime of good days.
    Run Olivia run.


  5. Run for the roses little Peanut. I am so happy to hear this news this a.m. She is aware we are all rooting for her! Thanks so much for the continued updates. They mean so much to us!
