Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Sun WIll Come Up Tomorrow, You Can Bet Your Bottom Dollar.....

Now that I have placed that wonderful little ditty in everybody's head for the day -- you can thank me later -- Olivia had a pretty uneventful night. When we saw her last night, she ate a little for us, but mostly was resting after a stressful day. 

I guess she was not a very cooperative patient during the Echo, had to be restrained by Mom & Grandma for about 45 minutes to get all the pictures they needed.  Her subsequent blood gasses showed that she had exerted herself quite a bit. Ever since then her values have improved with each lab. Her Kidney values continue to improve, but her Bilirubin values have crept back up. Hopefully with regular feedings those will come back down, as they had before surgery.

She slept most of the night, had a couple hour spell where she was not very consolable, but finnaly settled down after they angled her upright in the bed, possible gastric reflux making her cranky. She was sleeping peacefully when I said "See Ya Later" to her this morning. Hopefully today can be another day of rest and recooperation and possibly moving to a general ward.

Luckily I'm only working 1/2 day today, so I get to see her this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. If we have not said so before we really appreciate your blog and post here to keep us informed. I, for one did not want to constantly bother the clinic or want to appear too "nosey", although it was out of concern and love for all of you. You have given us this blog to follow ( even though you are so very tired and stressed ) and I want to say how much it means to me to be able to follow this progress. When I read good news I do a little dance and I am not a dancer by all means. Much love to Lil Peanut !
