Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MMMmmmmm Morphine......

I fear our little peanut will be a druggie before she's a year old. I might have to put double locks on the clinic controlled drugs to keep her safe :)  She seems to like Morphine & Versed quite a bit.

She's still on the ventilator and sleeping/sedated after the procedure. Due to her Liver issues, she doesn't process the anesthetic drugs quite as fast as 'normal' , so she's still out of it. She should start slowly waking over the next few hours and be ready to be extubated & off the ventilator 
sometime tomorrow. 

She's also been reunited with her guardian angel Dr. Shah -- he brought her back after her cardiac arrest -- since she's actually recovering in the Cardiac ICU rather than the Ped ICU.

She's got a couple new scars to show off too, one through her belly button, another on the right side of her abdomen, and a small one on her right groin where the hernia was.

Now off to catch some sleep. 


  1. We're thinking of you all here in UK. Lots of love and kisses Olivia from Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Jez xxx

  2. I am so sorry for all the problems. It makes our horid diaper, non diaper rash seem so insignificant. Kaya has some really bad sores that were on her butt and all the doctor/nurse advice was not working, so we switched on our own to what we knew worked..:(

    Our thoughts are with you and yours.

  3. Poor little thing may have a weird sense of reality when all this is done. Morphine (and its synthetic derivatives) can induce some really dreams/nightmares. I remember after my surgery, I created two whole new chapters in a book I was reading ... the problem was that I became a character in the book. So real I had to start the book again to know what was "in the book" and what was not!

  4. Make that "really weird dreams/nightmares" (that'll teach me to write with my glasses off!)

  5. I hope you were able to rest last night. Olivia sure will have some stories to tell, and all those cool scars! If she was a guy all the ladies would love Seriously, I am glad everything went OK, she is out, and now you need to come home! :) Happy thoughts to you all!

  6. I love this photo of Dr Ben and daughter asleep.
    Of course the seahorse also. Is it time to come home yet?
