Thursday, April 9, 2009

Deja Vu All Over Again or Olivia! My little Yellow Friend....

Olivia's Jaundice continues to get worse. The blood that was drawn earlier this week came back yesterday (Wed). It showed that not only have her Bilirubin values continued to increase, but a couple of her Liver enzymes are also on the rise. I forwarded these results to Olivia's cardiologist to keep her informed. Dr. Dommer contacted us later that afternoon with her concerns about the abnormal liver values. She had already contacted the UofM GI team about Olivia's newest Blood Values. Needless to say the GI team was not happy with the increases seen.

For all her hard work at putting on weight nicely this week, Olivia has been rewarded with another visit to Ann Arbor. She will be admitted to the
 Hospital Sunday night in preparation  for a fun day of poking and prodding at her Liver 
on Monday. Hopefully this visit won't last much longer than a day or two until they figure out what her liver is doing ... or more correctly not doing. 

Here we go again..... It's becoming quite the routine that just when we feel good about her progress, something comes along and pulls the rug out from under us again. At some point his ride better stop or we're going to go crazy. The things keeping us going are our Little Yellow Diva and the support of all our family, friends, and clients. 

Please keep Olivia in your thoughts and prayers over the next days/weeks. It sure seems like we're in for many more twists and turns.

(My thanks & apologies to Blake Edwards & Peter Sellers for the title's inspiration: Cato!! My Little Yellow Friend.)


  1. Sorry that you guys had to go back, but at least it seems they caught everything very early.

    Again you are all in our thoughts here.

  2. You're all in my thoughts. Olivia has very special parents that are doing very AWESOME at taking care of her! My hope is that this will be resolved. All three of you definitely need a break!


  3. I'm sorry to hear about this minor setback, but Thank God she has such wonderful doctors and medical care available! Hang in there, Ben and Sara - you guys are truly wonderful parents and she is a lucky little diva to have you!!!

  4. So Sorry you are on your way back to the hospital! What a pain. Hopefully, the can figure out what is going on with her. We will keep Olivia in our prayers. Happy Easter!!!

  5. I hope little Olivia has a Happy 1st Easter before going back to U of M for her checkup. I hope everything goes well. We are thinking about you all!


  6. I'm so sorry that you have to go back to the hospital. If anyone deserves a break, it's the three of you. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow...

  7. I am asking for a special Easter prayer for lil Peanut at church tomorrow a.m. Know we are thinking of you on again another journey that you are facing. Kiss the lil Peanut for me please.

  8. Man, just when we thought things were looking up. She just wants to see all her friends at the hospital again...yeah thats it. :) Seriously though, you are in my always.
